FKLM partner Kimberly Justice serves as Co-Lead Counsel for the commercial indirect purchaser class and as a member of MDL Plaintiff Steering Committee charged with directing and implementing the overall strategy for all Plaintiffs’ counsel in the litigation. This multidistrict class action brings antitrust and consumer protection claims related to alleged anticompetitive conduct in the market for granulated sugar, including coordination and communication of competitively sensitive information by competitors.
Freed Kanner partner Kimberly Justice serves as Co-Lead counsel in this antitrust class action alleging a conspiracy to fix the price of fragrance products
FKLM partner Kimberly Justice serves as lead counsel in this class action arising from allegations that Toyota manufactured, sold, and leased 2013-2018 Toyota RAV4 vehicles with a defectively designed battery retention system (settlement pending final approval).
Freed Kanner partner Kimberly Justice serves as co-lead counsel in this antitrust class action arising from peanut shellers’ wrongful and anticompetitive actions that had the intended purpose and effect of artificially fixing, depressing, maintaining, and stabilizing the price of runner peanuts paid to peanut farmers in the United States over the past 6 years.
Freed Kanner serves as co-lead counsel for a proposed class of merchants seeking equitable and injunctive relief. Plaintiffs allege, inter alia, that certain of Visa and Mastercard rules, including anti-steering restraints and default interchange fees, working in tandem have caused artificially inflated interchange fees paid by merchants on credit and debit card transactions from January 1, 2004 through the present.
FKLM is serving as interim co-lead counsel on behalf of airline ticket purchasers seeking injunctive relief in this antitrust case brought against the three major Global Distribution Systems alleging collusion in their dealings with 9 major U.S. Air Carriers.
FKLM served as interim co-lead counsel on behalf of indirect purchasers (end-payors) of brand or generic Opana ER, an opioid painkiller, in this antitrust “pay-for-delay” case brought under the laws of 30 states.
FKLM served as co-lead counsel on behalf of direct purchaser plaintiffs in this nationwide class action involving monopolization claims under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. The case resulted in a settlement of over $50 million.
Recovered for the Class
FKLM is serving as interim co-lead counsel on behalf of direct purchasers of automotive parts in multiple concurrently active nationwide, antitrust price-fixing cases relating to the following products: wire harnesses; instrument panel clusters; heater control panels; occupant safety parts; fuel senders; bearings; air conditioning systems; windshield wiper systems; starters; windshield washer systems; spark plugs; oxygen and air fuel ratio sensors; fuel injection systems; brake hoses; alternators; ignition coils; power window motors; shock absorbers; and electric power steering assemblies.
As co-lead counsel for a class of direct purchasers of containerboard and related products in this antitrust price-fixing case, FKLM recovered $376 million dollars through settlement after more than 7 years of heavily contested litigation. One distribution of settlement funds has already been made to the class and a second distribution is expected later in 2019.